Anyone looking for a fantastic event to enjoy before the evil white stuff begins to fall from the sky.... Taylor's hospital, as most of you are very well aware of ;) , Shriners Hospital in Springfield MA, is hosting their 4th annual walkathon and BBQ on Saturday September 14. The walk begins and ends at the hospital which is located at 516 Carew St in Springfield Massachusetts. (this is their event, not my Vermont one and i don't want to confuse people)
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Springfield Shriners Hospital's 4th annual walk and BBQ
Posted by Nina Honeycutt at 4:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: 2013, Massachusetts, Shriners Hospitals for Children, Springfield, walkathon
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Long Overdue

The day after we bought the house was our annual Shrine On Springfield walkathon for Shriners Hospitals. It was a much smaller group this year due to the multiple graduations that were happening that day as well as 3 different alumni "happenings" and parades but we still raised $1733 for Shriners Hospital in Springfield and we had a fun time doing it. "Fix It" even came up from Mass for our little shindig and made the girls' day ;)

Then it was time for another Sugar Bowl event............. the Golf Tournament. Ashtyn got to drive a golf cart at the country club and decided that was "the best thing EVER".
And then came the crowning of the King and Queen at the pre-game banquet last Friday
Tayt and her buddy Dan
Posted by Nina Honeycutt at 7:01 PM 1 comments
Labels: #tabsfortaylor, Alton crew, Ashtyn, Bektash Shriners, Cairo Shriners, Melha Shriners, Mt Sinai #3 Shriners, NH, Shrine On Springfield 2013, Tabs for Taylor, Taylor, VT
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Shrine On Springfield 2013 paperwork
This has already been a busy year and its continuing to get even crazier, but I'm excited to share the paperwork and info about our 5th walkathon for Shriners Hospitals for Children.
As always, every single penny collected goes directly to the Shriners Hospital in Springfield MA to help kids receive the medical care they need for spinal and orthopedic conditions as well as cleft lip and palate.
Children treated at Shriners Hospitals receive top of the line family-centered care AT NO COST and Shriners Hospitals relies on the generosity of Shriners and people like you and me to continue this mission.
Please consider making a donation to this wonderful cause either by sponsoring someone you know who is walking or securely online at and help kids like my daughter Taylor continue defying the odds!
(Click on the pages below to open and print them)
Posted by Nina Honeycutt at 9:57 AM 1 comments
Labels: 2013, Shrine On Springfield, Shriners Hospitals for Children
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Save the date
Posted by Nina Honeycutt at 11:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: #tabsfortaylor, fundraiser, Shrine On Springfield 2013, Shriners Hospitals for Children, Springfield VT, walkathon
Monday, March 18, 2013
Tabbie love
Little Miss Taylor has been quite the busy bee and making Mommy busy too ;)
Tayt just received a HUGE care package full of letters and picture from the Bethlehem NH kindergartners on top of the thousands of tabs they have been saving for her. She was pretty excited to say the least.
That following Friday Grandmama, Auntie Lisa and GG went down to Shriners Hospital in Springfield to present our 6 month old tab pile which consisted of approximately 650 pounds. We didn't get to go on this adventure because Taylor was sick but we did finally make it down Monday to drop off another 25 pounds of tabs that were dropped off in our North Walpole well over the weekend. And while we were there, little Mayhem was also fitted for her 6th Armie. She's still sticking with Dora the explorer and boots the monkey but this one is purple.
Saturday brought more tab love when we were invited to the BPOE in Springfield Vt so that the Elks members and Moose members could present the tabs they have been saving to Taylor personally. We were also able to visit with some Shriners who were there :) and now on top of all the excitement with the 60th Maple Sugar Bowl and Taylor's "queen status" we'll be making a few other appearances too.
Posted by Nina Honeycutt at 12:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: #tabsfortaylor, 2013, Shriners, Shriners Hospitals for Children-Springfield, Springfield VT, Tabs for Taylor, Vermont
Sunday, March 3, 2013
I can't even try to keep up.....
Here's a quick glimpse of the last month:
Little Miss Taylor was chosen to be the Queen of the 60th anniversary Shriners Maple Sugar Bowl! But I'm so excited for her and she's bordering on psychotic over it. She can not wait to get a new "ball gown" and of course a princess crown and ride in the parade with her Fezed friends (especially the clowns). The game isn't until August so you'll have to wait for those pictures ;)
I submitted the applications and whatnot for our 5th Shrine On Springfield walkathon and I will have the confirmed walk date soon!
Our tabs-on-hand count is up over 2,565,000 and growing!!!!!!! Holy cow!!!! I can't really absorb that. I couldn't even get them all in one picture. I'm going to try again when we drop them off Friday, and I'm sure someone will succeed in grabbing a good pic. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who has made this possible and continues to save Tabs For Taylor!
Speaking of Fridays drop off, we're headed down to Shriners Hospital ( if you hadn't figured that out yet) to check out Tayt's "Boots" Armie and see if its time for the third color of Dora fabric to be made into her 6th Armie .....oh my.
Last week's visit with GrandMaMa and Papa was not enough for the girls so were kidnapping my mom to go down with us and since my Grandmother "GG" is up from Florida maybe she'll come along too. We shall soon find out.
Other than that is SSDD: hanging out with friends and family, birthday parties, school stuff for Miss Ashtyn and lots of playing in the snow. And if it involves any form of chaos or mayhem..... That's how our day/month/year went ;)
Posted by Nina Honeycutt at 10:25 PM 0 comments
Labels: #tabsfortaylor, 2013, February 2013, Tabs for Taylor