Friday, August 24, 2012
Laurie Kathryn's 6th Annual Butterfly Dance
Posted by Nina Honeycutt at 1:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: 2012, Butterfly Dance, charity, Charlestown NH, children, entertainment, family, Laurie Kathryn, NH
Thursday, August 23, 2012
The last week of summer vacation
Jeremy is stuck in class this entire week somewhere in the outskirts of Boston, so the girls and I decided it would be a perfect time to go and bug Grandmama and Papa. Our week has contained lots of visting of course but everyone has to work during the day so the girls and I have entertained ourselves shedding new life on our Tabs For Taylor well.

And of course, no project would be complete without the kids getting in the middle of things. I'm glad she did though.....I never would have guessed she had grown this much in such little time... or just how bad the well really did look. Yikes! I should have been on that a while ago.

Then, I needed 46 star stencils cut out of contact paper to stick on the white roof. The plan was to paint over the stencils then when I pulled them off, they would leave beautiful white perfect stars. Well, there is problem 2 and 3. Cutting them out took FOREVER! And to make matters worse, they peeled off the white paint and some blue when i tried to pull them off. GRRRRRR!

So we got a different color red and it covered the vacant letter spaces, and everything else for that matter, perfectly. Yay! Then it was time for the new graphics.

And a new info board.....full of pictures of course. And the painful task of trying my darndest to cover it all with contact paper to help prolong its life outdoors

And today, its finished! And looks awesome if I do say so myself. It will get the white stars on top at some point soon. I just need to get them.
Yesterday, Grandmama and Aunty Kathy took their previously planned day and tossed it in the trash to bring us to Storyland!
We had soooooooooooooooooooooo much fun! I can not even begin to tell you what a great day it was. Filled with Cinderella, Alice, Red, Tink, the StoryBops, Duke the Dragon, Humpty Dumpty, know, the bear with the green overalls....I remember him from Miss Hesh's kindergarden should too ;) Tons of rides, and soaked is not even the word for Pharaoh's Reign. Oh my goodness was that fun!
Posted by Nina Honeycutt at 3:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: 2012, Alton crew, Glen NH, NH, Storybops, Storyland, Tabs for Taylor
Friday, August 17, 2012
Back to reality
Ahhh the joys of "real" internet again. I could rock the high speed down in town but had virtually nothing at the homestead after Verizon turned their towers like a bunch of idiots >:( Oh well. I guess that's all in the past now. Now its just a waiting game for our bank to finish making us submit paper after paper and answer questions over and over again and then we can finally move into our new place. I can not wait to get in there and clean it, paint it and move my 8 tons of crap into it. Oh its gonna be awesome. Then it'll be time to find my broke butt a new job. BOOO! With Jeremy's new employer he's basically either at work or on call for work. The days of flowing opposite schedules are no more. Which makes reliability with kid drop offs and pick ups at school non existant. And, the kids have to go to two different schools this year. UGH! The preK is overloaded here so tons of kids are on the waiting list for not only this school but all their 'partner' schools. So Tayt going local is not going to happen. i did find her a spot in NH at a school Ashtyn went to a few years ago and I'm psyched about that but its private pay and not cheap by any means so I'm battling with the state of VT to cover at least their supposed required 10 hours of preK that is entitled to all VT kiddos and trying to figure out how to cover the rest of that. Yay. So whenever i can figure out the answers to all that crap, then i can work on the job issue. But for now its hold down the fort, get the bank, house, school and iep crud going forward, keep myself busy and this place cleaned, and help out with Gram as much as I can.
Posted by Nina Honeycutt at 11:50 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Shrine On Springfield 2012
Ellie Uhlig
Wesley Putnam
Sam Putnam
Jess Rock
Justin Gallion
Darcy Lovell
Jayana Newhall
Bryan Butler
Rachel Harrel
Alana Butler
Deb Burns
Christine Brehio
Josh Brehio
Brody Brehio
Madison Brehio
Kristi Morris
Ajlyn Putnam
Sam Putnam
Jeremy Honeycutt
Nina Honeycutt
Taylor Honeycutt
Ryan Sell
Diane Gallion
Clyde Gallion
Leo LaFlamme
Linda LaFlamme
Linda Drew
Candy Desrochers
David Desrochers
Cole Rapini
Hanna Rapini
Chris Rapini
Jessica Bryant
Cathy Hartmann
Greg Precourt
Jessi Dussault
Charlie Dussault
Lila Dussault
Harold Rock
Mike Bamforth
Paul LaFlamme
Pat Sloan
Steven Stearns
Roger Adams
Wes Jewell
Ed LaFlamme
Thank you donors for enabling us to raise $1720 this year to help Shriners Hospitals for Children continue helping kids defy the odds!
Potentate Mt Sinai #3 Shawn Kincaid and Lady Jaqi
Past Potentate Mt Sinai #3 Leo LaFlamme and Lady Linda
Past Potentate Mt Sinai #3 Kristi Morris
Pastor of First Congregational Church in Springfield VT
Great Northern Comfort Home Improvements & Denis Chabot
John and Jane Waysville
Griffin Construction and The Dussault family
Maurine Parnet
Jack and Jackie Brehio
Empire Beauty Schools Inc
Pam Desrochers
Tonya Harding
Linda Drew
Leslie Huey
Glen and Lorraine Eckert
Candy and David Desrochers
Ashtyn and Taylor Honeycutt
Nicole Wheeler
High Priest of Bektash Richard Quindley
Ron and Sue Precourt
Kit N Kaboodle Consignments and Laurie Wallace
Paula Searles
Jessica Bryant
Beverly Waysville
Lori McElroy
Lisa Schulte
Scott Astle
Doug Hanson
Joanne Blodgett
John Hoscle
Kathy Chicoine
Cindy Stevens
Rick Sharron
Eileen Czechowicz
John Tomlinson
Lorie Desmarais
Stacy Gatto
Debbie Burns
Darcy Lovell
Tracy Lovell
Hubert Lovell
Justin Gallion
Opal Gallion
Miles Brock Lovell
Rich Pummer
Chris Rourke
Liam Smith
Tonya and Shawn Waters
Clyde and Diane Gallion
Bill Hauer
Mike Bryant
Bob Kirkbride
Rusty Towsley
Vinny Croney
Kim Stowell
Donna Jones
Betty Andreson
Bill Barrows
Bill O'Brien
Samantha Kuid
Connie Rathburn
Daniel Putnam
the "BATZ" Putnam family.
And, thank you to all of our tabbies. There are so SO many of you out there!
We had a ton of tabs brought to the walkathon thanks to
Deb Burns
Cole's Cause
Cathy Hartmann
They brought approximatly 40 gallons between them. A lot of the tab collectors had special stories and reasons for getting involved. It was amazing to hear them. The tabs turned in at the walk were from
Anthony LeClair
Rose Palmer
Debbie Burns
Florence Spaulding
Valley Regional Hospital Employees and Patients
Henry Marrotte
Bomar Company
Josh Brehio
Maplewood Nursing Home Employees
Greg Precourt and Cathy Hartmann
Cole's Cause friends and family
***we turned in about 280 gallons of tabs in July.....on top of the 140 gallons in February :)
Thanks again to our suppliers and sponsors
Doolittle's Print Serv
The Ink Factory
Roland III and Sue Irish
Ray St Sauveur and Linda Schettino
Candy and David Desrochers
Ron and Sue Precourt
and thanks to our volluntold cook Greg Precourt for all his hard work and keeping everyone's tummies full.
A huge thanks goes out to everyone who has helped us continue our mission. Your never ending support means the world to us. Every penny and every tab matters! Thank you all so very much. We are all looking forward to next year being even bigger and better than years past and we hope to see all of you as well as some new faces in June 2013!
Posted by Nina Honeycutt at 10:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: 2012, children, Mt Sinai #3 Shriners, Shrine On, Shriners Hospital for Children (Springfield), tabs for Shriners Hospitals, Tabs for Taylor, VT