Where do I begin?
April, instead of bringing showers, it brought us Shriners Maple Sugar Bowl banquets!
The first one for the football players...
and the second was for the cheerleaders and band members.

Taylor was on cloud 9. Ashtyn was pretty excited too but obviously a tad jealous.
We cured that, at least temporarily by the beginning of May when we went back to Springfield Mass for the
Melha Shriners Circus!
And we had a blast!
The girls of course had to stalk the clowns ;)
CLOWN LOVE <3 nbsp="" p="">3>

"Fix It"

June came along and brought with it A HOME! We finally FINALLY have a home again! In between moving and unpacking and running around like a bunch of crazy people, we snagged a few moments to go out and have fun as a family ;)

The day after we bought the house was our annual Shrine On Springfield walkathon for Shriners Hospitals. It was a much smaller group this year due to the multiple graduations that were happening that day as well as 3 different alumni "happenings" and parades but we still raised $1733 for Shriners Hospital in Springfield and we had a fun time doing it. "Fix It" even came up from Mass for our little shindig and made the girls' day ;)

Then it was back to craziness.......
July (and especially Grammy) brought us a trip to Old Orchard Beach Maine......
.....and then sent us to see TAYLOR SWIFT!
Which was an experience I can't say I ever want to relive. The show itself was fine, good even, but getting into Gillette Stadium was stupid! Then the first 30 or so employees we dealt were so beyond idiotic and down right mind numbing....... its no wonder some people just go postal. Wow! Luckily we met a few employees who had common sense, personalities and were completely down right awesome and turned our (or at least my) anger into a fun time. Liv, Auntie Momma and Boss Man, you guys saved the day ;)
We got a little soaked....... but all in all they enjoyed their first concert.
But if I ever even think about going to a place......
that seats 60,000 people again....someone slap me please!

Then it was time for another Sugar Bowl event............. the Golf Tournament. Ashtyn got to drive a golf cart at the country club and decided that was "the best thing EVER".
And then came the crowning of the King and Queen at the pre-game banquet last Friday
followed by the Saturday parade..............
Tayt and her buddy Dan
We then all got a little R and R when the girls spent this past week visiting our Lakes Region family. Jeremy and I got to dust off our motorcycles and finally ride them. And the girls had their days filled with all the usual Chaos and Mayhem type fun.... Making trips to see some "Tabbies", heading to Maine for another adventure in Old Orchard, feeding reindeer and visiting with Santa up at Santa's Village, camping, baking, shopping, bubbles, bicycles and having a blast.
I don't know about you but I'm exhausted just thinking about all of this ;)
That's all I've got for now but there's plenty more to come........