So...I guess I'll start of this chaos with a "real" post or at least I'll give it another go anyway. I kidnapped this questionaire from Jolene's blog.....
Three names you go by:
1. Nina
2. Mommy
3. Ashtyn's Mom
Three physical things I like about myself:
1. I can't
3. of any
Three physical things you don't like about yourself:
1. My hair
2. My eyebrows that like to think they should be one
3. I guess 2 is enough
Three parts of your heritage
1. French
2. Indian
3. More french
Three things you can't stand
1. Jerks who drive super slow until a passing lane then they speed up and slow back down once its 'no passing' again
2. Waiting
3. All the kids whine cry or scream at once
Three things that scare me
1. Drowning
2. Being chased
3. Noises at night
Three of my favorite shows:
1. Heros
2. Lost
3. Anything that has to do with fixing up a house
Three favorite current songs
1. If its
2. new, I
3. don't like it
Three movies I watch over and over
1. High Fidelity
2. Moulin Rouge
3. Shrek 1-3
Three movies I would like to see
1. Juno
2. Don't
3. Know
Three everyday essentials
1. Coffee
2. French Vanilla CoffeeMate
3. Pepsi
Three things I'm wearing right now
1. Blue Jeans
2. Bike Week Laconia 97 tshirt
3. socks
Three things you want in a relationship
1. Trust
2. Love
3. QUALITY time
Three physical things about the opposite gender that appeal to you
1. Eyes
2. Teeth/ smile
3. weighs more than me
Three bad habits
1. swearing
2. smoking
3. bitching
Three careers you are currently considering persuing
1. I'm a stay at home mom
2. with another one on the way
3. I'm not persuing anything outside this house
Three favorite hobbies
1. Scrapbooking
2. Reading
3. Riding something (stop laughing Harley, ATV or dirtbike)
Three places I'd like to go to on vacation
1. Any of the 12 states I have yet to visit
2. Any of the (I think) 6 other continents I have yet to visit
3. Anywhere warm and NOT IN NEW ENGLAND
Three kids names I like
1. Ashtyn Ora
2. Anndrew Jane
3. Ezekiel (Zeke) Drew
Three things to do befor I die
1. Watch my grandchildren get married
2. Go on a cruise
3. See the Northern lights in Alaska
Three things that stereotypically prove I'm a girl
1. ummm....I wear dresses (occasionally)
2.....I wear makeup (once every 2-3 years)
3. I wear pink
Initials of three crushes
1. MK (1997)
2. JC (1999)
3. JH (2001-current)
SO there's a million things about me me me me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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